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BEGC-134 Reading the Novel Assignment Answer 2023

Reading the Novel
Assignment July, 2022 & January 2023 Session
(Based on Blocks 1 – 4)
TMA 01/2022-23
Max. Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

Section A

1. Write short notes in about 100 words each: 4 × 5 = 20

(i) Narrative

Narrative refers to the way in which a story is told. It involves the use of
language, structure, and other literary devices to convey a particular
message or theme. Narratives can take many forms, including novels, short
stories, poems, and plays. They can be fictional or non-fictional and may be
written in first-person or third-person point of view.
The narrative mode is an important aspect of storytelling that helps to
create a sense of immersion for the reader or audience. Narrative structure
refers to the way in which a story is organized. This includes elements such
as plot, character development, setting, and theme. A well-structured
narrative will have a clear beginning, middle, and end that are connected
by a series of events that build towards a climax or resolution.
The structure of a narrative can vary depending on the genre and style of
writing. Narrative voice refers to the perspective from which a story is told.
This can include first-person narration (where the narrator is also a
character in the story), third-person limited narration (where the narrator
only has access to one character’s thoughts and feelings), or third-person
omniscient narration (where the narrator has access to all characters’
thoughts and feelings). The choice of narrative voice can have a significant
impact on how readers perceive and engage with a story.

(ii) New Trends in Fiction Writing

New trends in fiction writing refer to the evolving styles and themes that are
emerging in contemporary literature. These trends reflect changes in
society, culture, and technology, as well as shifts in readers’ tastes and
preferences. Some of the current trends in fiction writing include the use of
experimental forms and structures, such as non-linear narratives or
fragmented storytelling. There is also a growing interest in diverse voices
and perspectives, with more writers from marginalized communities gaining
recognition. Additionally, there is a renewed focus on social issues and
activism, with many writers using their work to address topics such as race,
gender, and inequality.

(iv) Characterisation

Characterisation is the process of creating and developing characters in a
work of literature. It involves the use of various techniques to bring
characters to life, such as physical description, dialogue, and actions.
Effective characterisation is essential for creating believable and relatable
characters that readers can connect with. There are two main types of
characterisation: direct and indirect. Direct characterisation involves
explicitly describing a character’s traits or personality, while indirect
characterisation involves revealing a character’s traits through their actions,
thoughts, or interactions with other characters. Characterisation is an
important aspect of storytelling that helps to drive the plot forward and
create a sense of emotional engagement for readers.

(iv) Theme

Theme refers to the underlying message or meaning of a work of literature.
It is the central idea or concept that the author is trying to convey through
their writing. Themes can be universal, such as love, death, or human
nature, or they can be specific to a particular work or genre. Themes are
often developed through the use of symbolism, imagery, and other literary
devices. They can also be revealed through the actions and dialogue of
characters in a story. Identifying and analyzing themes is an important part
of literary analysis and can help readers gain a deeper understanding of a
work’s meaning and significance.

Section B

Answer the following in about 350 words each: 4 X 20 = 80

1. Examine the similarities/ points of contrast between Kate Chopin and
Edna Pontellier in The Awakening.

Kate Chopin, the author of The Awakening, and Edna Pontellier, the
protagonist of the novel, share several similarities. Both women were born
and raised in Louisiana, which is where the novel is set. They were also
both married to men who were significantly older than them. Kate Chopin
was married to Oscar Chopin, who was 12 years her senior, while Edna
Pontellier was married to Leonce Pontellier, who was 20 years her senior.
Another similarity between Kate Chopin and Edna Pontellier is their desire
for independence and freedom. Kate Chopin was a feminist writer who
challenged traditional gender roles and societal expectations of women
during her time. Similarly, Edna Pontellier rebels against the expectations
placed on her as a wife and mother in Victorian society. She desires to be
free from the constraints of marriage and motherhood so that she can
pursue her own passions and interests.

Furthermore, both women experienced personal tragedies that influenced
their writing. Kate Chopin lost her husband at a young age and had to raise
six children on her own. This experience likely informed her portrayal of
strong female characters who are able to navigate difficult circumstances
on their own. Similarly, Edna Pontellier experiences several personal
tragedies throughout the novel that lead to her awakening.

However, there are also significant points of contrast between Kate Chopin
and Edna Pontellier in The Awakening. One of the main differences
between the two is their social status. Kate Chopin was a white,
middle-class woman who had access to education and resources that were
not available to most women during her time. In contrast, Edna Pontellier is
portrayed as a wealthy woman who has access to even more resources
and privileges than Kate Chopin did.

Another point of contrast between the two is their level of agency. While
Kate Chopin was a feminist writer who challenged traditional gender roles
and societal expectations of women during her time, she still had to
navigate within the constraints of her society. In contrast, Edna Pontellier is
portrayed as having more agency and freedom to pursue her desires,
although this ultimately leads to her tragic end.

In conclusion, while there are several similarities between Kate Chopin
and Edna Pontellier in The Awakening, there are also significant points of
contrast between them. Both women share a desire for independence and
freedom, have experienced personal tragedies that influenced their writing,
and were married to older men.

2. Do you think that Things Fall Apart also appeals to readers across
national boundaries? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Yes, I believe that Things Fall Apart appeals to readers across national
boundaries. There are several reasons why this novel has become a
classic of world literature and has been translated into dozens of

Firstly, the novel deals with universal themes that are relevant to people
from all cultures and backgrounds. The story of Okonkwo, a proud and
ambitious man who struggles to maintain his traditional way of life in the
face of colonialism, speaks to the human experience of change, loss, and
adaptation. Achebe’s portrayal of the clash between African and European
cultures is not only historically accurate but also emotionally resonant, as it
captures the complex feelings of pride, fear, anger, and hope that arise
when two worlds collide.

Secondly, Achebe’s writing style is both accessible and engaging.
Although he uses many Ibo words and proverbs in his narration, he does
so in a way that enhances the authenticity and richness of his characters’
voices without alienating non-African readers. Moreover, Achebe’s use of
simple yet powerful language creates vivid images and memorable scenes
that stay with readers long after they finish the book.

Thirdly, Things Fall Apart has had a significant impact on African literature
as a whole. By writing in English rather than in his native Ibo language,
Achebe challenged the assumption that African writers had to choose
between their cultural heritage and their literary aspirations. He showed
that it was possible to write about Africa for a global audience without
sacrificing one’s identity or values. This message resonated with many
writers across Africa who were struggling to find their voice in a
postcolonial world.

Finally, Things Fall Apart has become an important cultural artifact that
represents not only Nigeria but also Africa as a whole. The novel has been
adapted into plays, films, and other media forms that have helped to spread
its message even further. Moreover, Achebe’s legacy as a writer and a
cultural ambassador has inspired generations of African writers to follow in
his footsteps and tell their own stories to the world.

In conclusion, Things Fall Apart is a novel that transcends national
boundaries and speaks to readers from all walks of life. Its universal
themes, engaging style, historical accuracy, and cultural significance have
made it a classic of world literature that continues to inspire and educate
readers around the globe.

3. Write a critical note on the significance of songs in Paraja.

Songs play a significant role in Gopinath Mohanty’s Paraja, a novel that
explores the lives of an indigenous community in Odisha, India. The songs
and song-poems in the novel serve as a means of communication,
expression, and cultural preservation for the Paraja people. This critical
note will examine the significance of songs in Paraja and how they
contribute to the overall themes and narrative structure of the novel.
Firstly, songs are used as a form of communication between characters in
Paraja. The Paraja people have an oral tradition, and their songs are
passed down from generation to generation. The songs are used to convey
messages about love, loss, joy, and sorrow. For example, when Jili sings a
song about her love for Jagannath, it is not only an expression of her
feelings but also a way for her to communicate with him indirectly. Similarly,
when Kora sings a song about his longing for his homeland after being
forced to migrate to another village for work, it is a way for him to express
his emotions to his fellow migrants.

Secondly, songs serve as a means of cultural preservation in Paraja. The
Paraja people have their own unique culture and traditions that are
threatened by modernization and globalization. Through their songs, they
are able to preserve their language, customs, and beliefs. For example,
when Jili sings a song about the importance of respecting nature and living
in harmony with it, she is passing down traditional ecological knowledge
that has been passed down through generations.

Thirdly, songs contribute to the overall themes and narrative structure of
Paraja. The novel is divided into different sections that correspond with
different stages in the life cycle of the Paraja people. Each section begins
with a song or song-poem that sets the tone for that particular stage. For
example, the section on birth begins with a lullaby sung by Jili’s mother,
while the section on death begins with a mourning song sung by the
women of the village. The songs help to create a sense of continuity and
coherence throughout the novel, and they also serve as a reminder of the
cyclical nature of life.

In conclusion, songs play a crucial role in Paraja, serving as a means of
communication, cultural preservation, and narrative structure. They are an
integral part of the Paraja people’s way of life and provide insight into their
beliefs, values, and traditions. Through their songs, the Paraja people are
able to express themselves creatively and preserve their culture in the face
of modernization and globalization.

4. Would you agree that Things Fall Apart is just a simple story of the rise
and fall of one man? Give reasons for your answer

No, I would not agree that Things Fall Apart is just a simple story of the rise
and fall of one man. While the novel does focus on the life of Okonkwo, a
proud and ambitious warrior in pre-colonial Nigeria, it also explores broader
themes related to culture, identity, power, and change.
One of the main themes of the novel is the clash between traditional
African values and European colonialism. Achebe portrays this conflict
through the character of Okonkwo, who represents the old ways of life that
are threatened by the arrival of Christian missionaries and British
administrators. Okonkwo’s struggle to maintain his status and authority in a
changing world reflects the larger struggle of African societies to preserve
their cultural heritage in the face of external pressures.

Another theme that runs throughout Things Fall Apart is gender roles and
relationships. Achebe depicts a society in which men hold most of the
power and women are expected to be subservient to their husbands and
fathers. However, he also shows how women play important roles in
maintaining social order and passing on cultural traditions. The character of
Ezinma, for example, challenges gender norms by being a strong-willed
and intelligent girl who defies her father’s expectations.

A third theme that emerges from Things Fall Apart is the importance of
language and storytelling in shaping cultural identity. Achebe uses Ibo
words and proverbs throughout his narration to convey not only meaning
but also a sense of history and tradition. He shows how language can be
used as a tool for resistance against colonialism by preserving cultural
knowledge and resisting assimilation into European ways.

In conclusion, while Okonkwo’s story is certainly an important part of
Things Fall Apart, it is not just a simple tale about one man’s rise and fall.
Rather, it is a complex exploration of African culture, history, and identity
that speaks to universal themes related to power dynamics, gender roles,
and the impact of colonialism. Achebe’s masterful use of language and
storytelling techniques makes this novel a rich and rewarding read for
anyone interested in African literature or world history

Team MEG

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